ok, so here's how the rest of my weekend went.
Saturday morning i got up and went with a team from Metro (the campus ministry i'm involved in at UALR) and drove to Conway for Impact '09 for a day of leadership training.

it was such a wonderful day, from smaller seminars to mega seminars to worship with other students and leaders from BCM's all over Arkansas. its such an encouragement to know that there are other people working on college campuses in AR towards the same goal; showing others Christ! i will be leading a small group of girls next fall in a bible study on UALR campus and will spend the summer (Lord willing) working with the other small group leaders to figure out how we're going to do it. please pray for us, there's a lot going on a Metro and prayer is definitely needed. we just recently found out that our current campus minister and his wife and son will be moving to a college in mississippi this fall. and they will be leaving in june. we love Ben, Karen and Broch a lot and will miss them greatly. please pray for them as they prepare for this change in ministry. i especially need your prayers right now, because i don't want to let them go. if not for Ben i wouldn't have even checked Metro out, let alone gotten this involved. along with Ben and Karen leaving, Mike and Brooke (the couple i lead worship with) will also be leaving at the end of this semester. i do not like or handle change very well and this is a lot of change to be happening at once. just pray that God will give me a content heart and a willingness to serve even more.
yesterday (Sunday) was great! joel and i went to Christ Church and afterwards stayed for a cookout. it was so wonderful just fellowshipping with other believers. i love everyone at Christ Church! after that, we went back out to the Riley house and just kind of chilled. it was nice to take an afternoon nap and just relax for a bit. after eating dinner, me and joel played "Hand and Foot" (a card game the Riley's LOVE) against paul and beth! they only beat us by 700 something points (which isn't really that big of a margin - or so joel and beth say). right after we put the cards up, we turned to see a tree frog on the outside of the nook window. at first we just all looked at the frog just chilling on the window, then all the sudden this little moth landed a little too close to the frog on the window. then....*snatch*...the little frog ate the little moth! we all yelled "whoa!" and then died laughing. joel kept making fun of us because we were so entertained watching this frog like eat these little moths that kept landing by it. lol! it was so funny! we probably watched it for about 20 minutes! what we do in arkansas for entertainment! haha!
anyways...that was my weekend! hope your's was as much fun! :)
Sounds like you guys had a GREAT weekend! I'm a little jealous at you guys playing Hand and Foot together! SO fun!! No...700 pts is not a lot to win by...especially in our family...normally Dad swamps us all and there is no need for the 3rd round!!! :-)